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gml 9500

The latest analog mastering equalizer: the 9500 is the mastering version of the 8200. The gain, frequency and Q controls are fully retained for absolute accuracy and repeatability. With 1 / 2dB steps of Boost and Cut and 24 different frequency options per band, the 9500 is a powerful and complete workhorse for mastering engineers from around the world. This "king of all equalizers" of double mono, 3U uses two 8355 power supplies to obtain a greater amplitude of sound and depth stereo.

gml 2030

The Win Dynamics Control of GML labs Model 2030 is an accurate tool for the most critical mastering.
Applications where the maximum is demanded in control, flexibility and transparency.
The GML Control Series III and its audio architecture, makes this dynamic range controller, without compromises, continue the
the GML engineering tradition and expands the familiar capabilities of the Multichannel Operation Model 8900.

massive passive

There are 5 passive highpass and bypass filters, plus 5 passive lowpass filters with bypass. We made them extra steep. Why? So you can eliminate the garbage and not spoil your music. The way these filters interconnect with the parametric equalizer bands just sounds good. The higher low pass filters become even more pronounced. Attack for drums, guitar and other difficult jobs. Make "phone" voice sounds for special effects ...
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